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Giacomo Turri

Research activities


My Ph.D. project is about extrapolating hidden cognitive states’ information from movement kinematics through the aid of machine learning. My current research focuses on understanding whether and to what extent information from social decision-making processes is encoded in human movement kinematics.




- "Machine Learning: Research Directions in Real World Applications" on-line seminar, June 8 2022, UNIVPM (Ancona, IT) + UNIMC (Macerata, IT) + Karazin University (Kharkiv, UA). Title of the talk: "Decoding social decisions from movement kinematics".


- Statistica Inferenziale con MATLAB, March 25 2021, MathWorks, via Webex, 1 CFU.

- Identify, Develop and Use your Transferable Skills, Dott.ssa Lucia Salto, Dott.ssa Antonella Belfatto; Unito Webinar; September 30 2020, 1 CFU.

Deep Learning: a hands-on introduction: Prof. N. Noceti; July 13-17 2020; 20 hours, 10 CFU.

Regularization Methods for Machine Learning; Prof. L. Rosasco; June 29 - July 03 2020; 15 hours, 7 CFU.

- An Introduction to Machine Learning for Neuroscience; Dott. Luca Romeo, Dott. Andrea Cavallo, March 16-17 2020, 2 CFU.

- Machine Learning Crash Course; Prof. L. Rosasco; June 17-21 2019; 15 hours, 7 CFU.

Introduction to Convex Optimization; Prof. S. Salzo and Prof. S. Villa; March 4-8, March 11-15 2019; 22 hours, 11 CFU.

- Affective Computing and Embodied Interfaces; PhD. R. Niewiadomski; February 4-8 2019; 20 hours, 10 CFU.

- D-Day 2019, Scuola di dottorato in Scienze della Vita e della Salute; 30 September 2019; 4 CFU

- IIT-RIKEN Workshop on Advancement of Artificial Intelligence; September 24-25 2019; 14 hours, 7 CFU.

- ”PredPsych”: an R based toolbox for machine learning in experimental psychology; PhD Atesh Koul, PhD Luca Romeo and, PhD Andrea Cavallo; July 9 2019; 8 hours, 4 CFU.

- XXVI Congresso Nazionale SIPF, Turin, Italy, November 15-17 (2018), 12 CFU.


Last update: 09/08/2022 17:51
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