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Dott. Tommaso Ciorli

Phd thesis

Conscious and unconscious processing of self-related stimuli in healthy subjects and clinical population

PhD student: Tommaso Ciorli

Tutor: Lorenzo Pia

The goal of my PhD project is twofold: first, it aims to explore how self-related stimuli, such as own's body parts, are processed with or without conscious perception. At the behavioral level, I mainly use interocular suppression techniques such as Binocular Rivarly (BR) and breaking-Continuous Flash Suppression (bCFS), analyzing direct effects on visual perception of the stimuli in the conscious or unconscious domains. Moreover, I use the Full-Body-Illusion (FBI) paradigm to induce changes in bodily self consciousness as well as neuropsychological approach in patients with Cortical Blindness and Prosopagnosia. At the neural level, I plan to use the Electroencephalography (EEG) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulaiton (TMS) in order to explore neural correlates of the investigated mechanisms. The outcome will provide new insights about bodily self-(un)consciousness in healthy and clinical subjects.

Research activities


"Advanced course: An introduction to machine learning for Neuroscience" - A.Cavallo - Advanced Course, February 19th - 26th 2021.

"From neural cell excitability to brain circuit recording, visualization and manipulation" - F. Ferrini,B. Sacchetti,S. Bovetti, E. Hoxha. - Toolbox Course, February 1st - 4th - 8th - 11th 2021.

"Basic Concepts of Statistics" - A. Ricotti - Toolbox Course,  January 25th - 26th 2021.

"Neurobiology of Emotions and Behavior" – P.Pietrini - IMT School for advanced studies Lucca, Online Course (12 h), January 10th - February 26th 2021.

"Basic Programming for Neuroscience" - M. Betta. IMT School for advanced studies Lucca, Online Course (20 h), January 14th - March 2nd 2021.

"Introduction to Consciousness and Sleep" – G. Bernardi. IMT School for advanced studies Lucca, Online Course (20 h), March 30th 2021 - April 23th 2021.

""Neuroscience of Perception and Experience-Dependent Plasticity"" - : Prof. E. Ricciardi, Dott. D. Bottari -  IMT School for advanced studies Lucca, Online Course (30h), February 3rd - May 3rd 2021.

"Ethics of research and Responsible research: an introduction" - D.Ovadia - Toolbox Course, May 3rd - 10th - 17th -24th.

Journal Club 2021.


"Introduction to the PhD Program: XXXVI cycle" - M.Sassoè - Webinar, 21th October 2020.

Journal Club 2020.

"Inaugurazione anno dottorale 2020-2021" - S.GeunaA.Rizzuti Webinar, November 5th 2020.

"Clinical, methodological and theoretical aspects of translational and cognitive neuroscience" - A. Berti, A. Chiò, M. Giustetto - Toolbox Course, November 27th 2020.

"Principles of Brain Anatomy and Physiology" - L.Cecchetti - IMT School for advanced studies Lucca, Online Course (30 h), November 10th - December 14th 2020.

"Introduction to Research methodology" - D. Romano - Toolbox Course,  December 4th - 11th - 18th 2020.

"Orientamento al Dottorato UniTo" - Webinar, December 16th 2020.

Ciorli, T.; ‘Consciousness in the Brain’, Brain Awareness week, Turin, 2023 (PEN-17873)

"How to Write a Scientific Paper" - S. Jhaveri - Online Course for Psychology Department, Unito, October 18th-22nd 2021.

"Notte europea dei ricercatori" - Pia, Ricci, Ciorli, Gammeri, Cirillo - I meccanismi della percezione e cognizione umana sulla terra e nello spazio - September 24th 2021.

"The Plasticity of Body Representation & Social Perception" - Online seminar organized by the Cognitive and Social Neuroscience Lab - Sapienza, University of Roma. April 30th 2021.

"Danger is Universal, fear is Personal" - J.Ledoux - Online Seminar, 6th December 2020.

Ciorli, T., & Pia, L. (2023). Self-Other distinction in visual awareness for bodily stimuli: the role of perspective and identity. Scientific Reports, in press

Gambino, G., Pia, L., Ferraro, G., Brighina, F., Di Majo, D., Di Giovanni, F., Ciorli, T., Sandro, P., & Giglia, G. (2023). Reducing Visuospatial Pseudoneglect in Healthy Subjects by Active Video Gaming. Brain Sciences, 13(6), 877.

Mazza, A., Ciorli, T., Mirlisenna, I., D'Onofrio, I., Mantellino, S., Zaccaria, M., ... & Dal Monte, O. (2023). Pain perception and physiological responses are modulated by active support from a romantic partner. Psychophysiology, e14299.

Pyasik, M., Ciorli, T., & Pia, L. (2022). Full body illusion and cognition: a systematic review of the literature. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 104926

Stein, T., Ciorli, T., & Otten, M. (2022). Guns are not faster to enter awareness after seeing a Black face: Absence of race-priming in a gun/tool task during continuous flash suppression. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 01461672211067068

Tambone, R., Poggio, G., Pyasik, M., Burin, D., Dal Monte, O., Schintu, S., Ciorli, T., … & Pia, L. (2021). Changing your body changes your eating attitudes: embodiment of a slim virtual avatar induces avoidance of high-calorie food. Heliyon, 7(7), e07515.

Pyasik, M., Fortunato, E., Dal Monte, O., Schintu, S., Garbarini, F., Ciorli, T., & Pia, L. (2021). Self-other distinction modulates the social softness illusion. Psychological Research, 1-9.


"Dissociating conscious and unconscious contribution to breaking-Continuous Flash Suppression", European Conference on Visual Perception 2023 (ECVP 23), Paphos, Cyprus. Ciorli, T., Pia, L., & Stein, T. (2023)

"A combined Binocular Rivalry-Fast periodic visual stimulation protocol reveals a preferential processing in visual awareness for male faces", Association for the Scientific Studies of Consciousness 26 (ASSC26), New York, USA. Galigani, M., Ciorli, T., Pia, L., & Garbarini, F. (2023)

"Perspectives on Neuroaesthetic and Consciousness: exploring the relation between aesthetic and awareness", Interdisciplinary perspectives on Beauty and Changes Confererence, Turin, Italy. Ciorli, T., Barbieri, P., Ronga, I., Sacco, K., & Pia, L. (2022)

"Dissociating conscious and unconscious influences on self-face perception", ASSC Confererence, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Ciorli, T., Volpara, G., Mazza, A., Petracchini, D., Dal Monte, O., Pia, L. (2022)

"Effects of hunger on conscious and unconscious perception of high and low calorie stimuli", EWCN Confererence, Brixen, Italy. Ciorli, T., Gini, F., Trombetti, L., Panin, C., Pia, L. (2022)

"Egocentric hands, but not own hands, break faster into conscious visual awareness", Body Representation Network Conference, Italy. Ciorli, T. & Pia, L. (2021), SAMBA research group, Department of Psychology, University of Turin

"A new approach to study unconscious perception", NVP Confererence, Egmond, Netherlands. Stein, T. & Ciorli, T. (2019), Brain and Cognition, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam

Ciorli, T. - "Dissociation between Conscious and Unconscious Self-face processing in Developmental Prosopagnosia: evidence from Binocular Rivalry and breaking-Continuous Flash Suppression" – Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 26 – New York, USA, 25th June 2023.

Ciorli, T. - "The interplay between spatial perspective and identity in bodily self-recognition before visual awareness" - European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology EWCN – Brixen, Italy, January 2023.

Ciorli, T. - "A subcortical pathway for identity processing? Testing face discrimination in a blindsight patient" - ART conference - Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths University, London, October 2022.

Ciorli, T. - "Body Hands’ identity and spatial perspective in interocular suppression: evidence from the breaking-CFS and binocular rivalry" - Congresso Nazionale SINP (Società Italiana di NeuroPsicologia), Modena, November 19th 2021.

Ciorli, T. - "Body Ownership constrains and Consciousness: hand's perspective, but not identity, affects the timing for visual awareness" - XXIX Congresso Nazionale SIPF (Società Italiana di PsicoFisiologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive) "Beyond the lockdown of the brain", Palermo, September 30th 2021.

Ciorli, T. - "Neuroscience of unconscious visual perception" - Oral presentation at IMT - Lucca, April 2021.

Ciorli, T. - "A new approach to study visual unconscious processing" - Oral presentation at SAMBA JournalClub - Department of Psychology, Unito, November 2020.

Last update: 17/07/2023 16:25
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