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Camilla Maronati

Phd thesis

My PhD projesct aims to provide a full comprehension of what is the mutual contribution of motor, perceptual and predictive abilities to motor interaction between people. The idea is that motor and neural similarities can mediate the predictive abilities of individuals. The progress of this proposition would identify kinematic and neural parameters, both in the action of a single individual and in the joint action of two people, that would allow predicting the outcome of human interactions by building a neurocomputational model. To pursue the above goals, my experimental steps will range from the analysis of a single individual to the study of dyadic interactions and will include the use motion capture systems, behavioural observations and EEG, on single subject and in hyperscanning.

Research activities


Annual Postgraduate Conference (School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen): Attending, Aberdeen (UK), May 9-10th 2024.

WorkshopWhat is an academic career, and do I want one? - Dott. Gavin Buckingham (University of Exeter, UK), Aberdeen (UK), May 9th 2024.

Seminar Cycle: "Using fNIRS to investigate the development of functional connectivity and its relationship with social development and early adversity" - Dott. Chiara Bulgarelli (University of London, Birkbeck, UK), Online, Turin, April 16th 2024.

Talk: "Visual periphery and crowding – The basics" - Prof. Hans Strasburger (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of München), Aberdeen (UK), March 8th 2024.

Data report XXXVIII cycle: Presenting, Turin, February 15th 2024.



Welcome meeting XXXIX cycle and 2nd Enrica Marzola award ceremony. Anatomy institute, Turin, November 30th 2023.

Toolbox course (workshop): "Public engagement and outreach" - Dott. Graziano Ciocca (scientif communicator, Associazione GEco), Dott. Donato Ramani (Communications Office, SISSA), Turin, November 17th, 18th.

Complementary training: "Research Professional Platform: fund your research!" - Dott. Isidoro Riondato (University of Turin), Turin, October 18th 2023.

Data report XXXV cycle: Attendance, Online, Turin, October 16th 2023.

Seminar Cycle: "Satellite Glial Cells. Two decades of progress" - Prof. Menachem Hanani (Hebrew University of Gerusalem), Turin, October 6th 2023.

Talk"Open science: hurdles, gains and opportunities of a modern apporach to make science" - Dott. Stefano Moia (Ècole Polytechnique Fèdèral de Lausanne, Lusanne), Turin, September 13th 2023.

Seminar Cycle: "Harnessing the heterogeneity of neuroinflammatory responses to tackle neurodegeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis" - Prof. Marco Peviani (Univeristy of Pavia, Italy), Turin, April 28th 2023.

Seminar Cycle: "Ownership, Agency, and the body - Uderstanding the moving body" - Prof. Andreas Kalckert (University of Skövde, Sweden), Turin, March 30th 2023.

Toolbox CourseEthics of research and Responsible research: an introduction - Prof. Daniela Ovadia, Turin, March 13th, 14th 2023.

Seminar Cycle: "A Space for My Body" - Dott. Daniele Romano (University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy), Turin, February 17th 2023.

Toolbox Course: Introduction to research methodology - Prof. Daniele Romano, Turin, February 10th, 17th, 24th 2023.

Data report XXXVII cycle: Attendance, February 15th 2023, Online, Turin, February 15th 2023.

Seminar Cycle: "How blindness improved our vision on a modality-independent organization of the brain" - Prof. Emiliano Ricciardi (Scuola IMT Alti Studi di Lucca, Italy), Turin, January 17th 2023.

Seminar Cycle: "How the brain of the cochlear implanted children processes natural language"  - Dott. Davide Bottari (Scuola IMT Alti Studi di Lucca, Italy), Turin, January 17th 2023.

Toolbox Course (Broad Neuroscience Training): Clinical, methodological and theoretical aspects of translational and cognitive neuroscience - Prof. Maurizio Giustetto, Prof.ssa Annamaria Berti, Prof. Adriano Chiò, Department of Psychology, Turin, January 11th 2023.



Welcome meeting XXXVIII cycle and 1st Enrica Marzola award ceremony. Anatomy institute, Turin, December 7th 2022.



Visiting Period: Visiting PhD Student - Action Prediction Lab (PI: Prof. Patric Bach). University of Aberdeen, School of Psychology, Aberdeen (United Kingdom), Ongoing, March-June 2024.



Summer school: "Analyzing Neural Time Series Data (ANTS)" - Organized by Sincexpress Education and Mike X Cohen, Bucarest (Romania), 14th-18th August 2023.

Workshop: "Comunicare la scienza: Pillole di storytelling & filmmaking" - Organized by Doctoral School in Neuroscience, Associazione IntoBrain, Festival Cinemambiente, Turin, April 21th and 26th, May 12th, 17th 2023.


Casartelli, L.*, Maronati, C.*, Cavallo, A. (2023). From neural noise to co-adaptability: Rethinking the multifaceted architecture of motor variability. Physics of Life Reviews, 47, 245-263.


Maronati C., Casartelli L., Cavallo A. Rethinking motor variability: a model for unpacking the components that influence variations in motor outcomes. 7th European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Meeting (ESCAN). May 22-25th 2024, Ghent (Belgium). (planned Talk)

Manuello, J., Maronati, C., Cuturi, L.F., Guidotti, R., Cavallo, A. Investigating the role of ‘motor distance’ in action understanding: the case of target object’s weight estimation. 7th European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Meeting (ESCAN). May 22-25th 2024, Ghent (Belgium). (planned Poster)



Maronati C., Manuello J., Guidotti R., Rocca M., Cavallo A. So close, so similar: the role of ‘motor distance’ in action understanding. 20th Italian Society for Neuroscience (SINS) National Meeting. September 14-17th 2023, Turin (Italy). (Talk)

Maronati C., Manuello J., Guidotti R., Rocca M., Cavallo A. So close, so similar: the role of ‘motor distance’ in action understanding. PhD Meeting of the 20th Italian Society for Neuroscience (SINS) National Meeting. September 14-17th 2023, Turin (Italy). (Poster)

Maronati C., Manuello J., Cuturi L. F., Guidotti R., Cavallo A. I move like you, I better read you: the role of 'motor distance' in action understanding. 9th Joint Action Meeting (JAM). July 10-12th 2023, Budapest (Unghary). (Poster)

Manuello J., Maronati C., Guidotti R., Rocca M., Cavallo A. Developing a new computational framework for quantitative analysis of motor styles. 9th Joint Action Meeting (JAM). July 10-12th 2023, Budapest (Unghary). (Poster)


Unight 2023: "Notte europea delle ricercatrici e dei ricercatori 2023" - Stand organized by Doctoral School in Neuroscience, Turin, September 30th 2023.

Festival CinemAmbiente 2023: "Comunicare la scienza: Pillole di storytelling & filmmaking" - Organized by Doctoral School in Neuroscience, Associazione IntoBrain, Festival Cinemambiente, Turin, June 8th 2023.

Last update: 09/05/2024 22:13
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